Thursday, 29 March 2012


The reason i say this is because people tend to let all bad things that have been done to them to stay that way forever as a constant reminder of the hurt they experienced from that person. This wll end up causing revenge. Try to forgive where you can. I say 'try' because what might be easy for you might be difficult for me. We all learn something new in our lives by trying it first. Holding on to the past is like expired food, it isn't healthy for you. 

The same principle applies to good and bad moments in life. When a bad moment comes, try to make it better and move on. When a good moment comes, try to make it remain that way and enjoy it. Although you know that bad moments always come in life, know that also good moments come. Be positive

Much Love!!!

Monday, 26 March 2012


In life you will always find some hard moments to decide. This shows that every decision you make, no matter how small it may seem, affects your life. Hard decisions are there to show us we are growing, and in most cases, growing towards independence. If you have made a bad decision and realised it, know you are lucky because you can see that it is bad. Out of every bad thing there has to be something good in it. In the case of wrong decisions, the good thing is that you will know between wrong and right in future. 
  • Do not be scared to make decisions because you are scared they might be wrong.
  •  Do not let anyone make decisions for you when you are capable of making them yourself.
  •  Always have your say in your life. 

Create your own path because you are unique:
That's what you were born for.

Much Love!!!

Sunday, 25 March 2012


The more you feel like giving up, the closer you get to what you want to archive. Some things happen the minute we wish for them to happen, but some take what seems like forever.  
The key to greater success is failing so hard that it seems impossible that you can succeed again. Failing makes us learn our mistakes so that we will not repeat them. The more mistakes you make and fix, the more you get closer to your goal. The end might seem like a finish line, but it might be the start of something greater. You can not appreciate success until you have experience how it feels like to be defeated. Give it your all, be patient and never give up because it will come. It's not over until you have reached heaven.

Much Love!!!

Saturday, 24 March 2012


+Believe in you
+Take time to know yourself
+Never let yourself down
+Take pride
+Never give up
+Stand tall
+Have dignity
+Save your dignity
+Don't let others bring you down
+Be glad to be you
+Play your part
+Have impact in other people's lives
+Always look out for other
+Ask for help
+Appriciate what you have
+Live life to the fullest
+Be your number one fan
+Have a role model
+Teach, learn and listen
+Tell the story like it is
+Always stand high with pride and dignity because you are the bes
+Chase dreams
+Have a say
+Dont sit and do nothing
+complain unless failed to archive
+Don't fail to try
+Much is given, much is expected
+You cannot change the way others behave but you can change your attitude
+Take your time it will come to you
+''Never settle for second best''
+Ask for forgiveness
+Never let a broken heart bring you down
+Dream today but dream for tomorow
+It's not impossible to make dreams come true
+A positive mind calls for a positive thinking
+Dont regret
+Mistakes are a way forward